What we believe concerning God :
- There is but ONE GOD: Mark 12:32, Rom 3:30, 1 Cor 8:6, Eph 4:6, 1 Tim 2:5, James 2:19.
- God is completely sovereign: Daniel 4:32-35, Ps 115:3, Ps 135:6, Is 14:24-27, Is 46:10-11, Prov 21:30, Eph 1:11.
- He will be All in All: 1 Cor 15:28.
What we believe concerning Jesus :
- He died, was buried, and resurrected according to the scriptures: 1 Cor 15:1-8.
- He is God manifested in the flesh: John 1:1-3 & 14, Phil 2:6-8, Heb 10:5, 1 Jhn 4:2-3.
- Through Him all things were created: John 1:3, 1 Cor 8:6, Col 1:16, Eph 3:9, Heb 1:2.
- Salvation is obtained ONLY through Him: Acts 4:10-12, John 14:6, 1 Cor 3:11, 1 Tim 2:5.
- All judgment has been committed to Him: John 5:22-27.
- Through His Blood God will reconcile ALL THINGS in heaven and the Earth back to Himself: Col 1:14-20, 2 Cor 5:17-21.
- Every Knee shall bow to Him and confess Him Lord to Gods glory: Phil 2:9-11, Rev 5:13-14, Rom 14:10-11, Is 45:23-25.
- Gave Himself ransom for ALL: 1 Tim 2:6.
- Jesus is the propitiation for everyone’s sins: 1 Jhn 2:2, 1 Jhn 4:10.
- Jesus took away the sin of the World: Jhn 1:29, 1 Jhn 3:5.
What we believe concerning the scriptures :
- They are given by inspiration of God: 1 Tim 3:16.
- They can make one wise unto salvation: 1 Tim 3:15.
- They are profitable for doctrine, reproof and instruction: 1 Tim 3:16.
- God hath magnified His word above His name: Ps 138:2.
- They shall not pass away: Matt 24:35.
What we believe concerning Salvation :
- Salvation is by Grace through Faith: Eph 2:8 & 9.
What we believe concerning Sin :
- Sin is the transgression of the law: 1 Jhn 3:4.
- All unrighteousness is sin: 1 Jhn 5:17.
- The wages of sin is death: Rom 6:23.
- All have sinned: Rom 3:23, Ecc 7:20.
- Jesus is the propitiation for everyone’s sins: 1 Jhn 2:2, 1 Jhn 4:10.
- Jesus took away the sin of the World: Jhn 1:29, 1 Jhn 3:5.